Sunday, December 7, 2014

Recipe Cards

My husband was out of town a little while back so I had no one to watch tv with at night. Boo hoo. I decided to use that time instead to be creative. Lately I have been wanting to make a recipe box for all my essential oil recipes. That way when a kid (or Mom!) comes down with something, I can just flip to that issue-- say "C" for cough-- and read what recipes I have for that.
I have several great reference books but I like the idea of index cards because I can have all of them in one source and can make notes on the back. We make up roller balls for issues we face often, like allergies. So having the recipe handy is much more efficient than pinning it on Pinterest and trying to hunt it down in a moment of need. Feel free to download and print my design for personal use.
What are some of your favorite uses for essential oils? I like a drop of lavender on a spoonful of raw local honey to help with my allergies. Maybe Mary Poppins was on to something with that spoonful of (nature's) sugar idea...