Thursday, October 30, 2014

Healthy Eyelashes

I have blonde hair. Read invisible eyelashes. So mascara is a must for me. But after a while my tube was drying out. And when allergy season hit my eyes were so itchy I looked like I was either on drugs or had raccoon eyes was rubbing them so much. Okay I like to be dramatic. Then I learned about a little health secret.
An article published in the Wall Street Journal reports, "Mascara and liquid eyeliner are two of the most likely germ transmitters, since their applicators make direct contact with the eye area. Eyes are at risk for conjunctivitis, or pink eye, which can spread easily, says Dr. Gerstner." Did you also know there are tiny mites that live and breed in your eye follicles? Yes, I gagged a little when I learned that, too. Adding one drop to your mascara has several health benefits. It reduces bacteria, smells wonderful, and also reduces any itchy eyes from allergies. I am so glad someone shared this with me! You bet I add a drop of Young Living pure therapeutic grade lavender oil to every new tube I get. It is important you use a pure essential oil to avoid any junk fillers. Now onto to lovely lashes.

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